Fixed from previous version/s

  1. Subscribers and Not-confirmed users count
  2. Double post notification emails
  3. Permalink correction for double opt-in emails
  4. Admin control over deleting plugin changes
  5. Admin privileges check for security

New features in v1.13

  1. Individual Subscribe and UnSubscribe pages
  2. Re-create Subscribe and UnSubscribe pages if mistakenly deleted
  3. Custom confirmation messages
  4. Keep Notify Subscribers checkbox default checked – optional
  5. Use active theme CSS for email templates – optional
  6. Custom CSS style for Error/Success messages
  7. Extended substitute keywords for site link, description, subscriber name
  8. Spam protection by restricting – IPs (both Remote and Server), Domains, Emails
  9. On user list page – Checks since how long the user has not confirmed his/her subscription
  10. On post list page – Indicates whether the post notification is sent or not


  1. Subscribe confirmation reminder
  2. Weekly post notification
  3. Preview of template email
  4. Timely delete not-confirmed users