Since July 2011 I am getting lots of emails asking to share the plugin that I have customized and extended as per the need of my project
The jQuery Ad Gallery has very interesting features. I had chosen for following reasons:
- Thumb and big images with gallery
- Slideshow
- Image with caption
- SEO friendly caption placing
- Scroll and fade in-out effects
- Downloads bigger images only when requested
- Total image count
- Easy customizable
Even though I was not satisfied with its current behavior and there were some glitches also. So I decided to extend it.
How about different effects on different days? WOW!
Add these two lines before default settings start
var d = new Date();
var dt_effect = d.getDay() == 5 ? 'fade' : 'slide-hori'; // 5 = Friday
or set more effects
var d = new Date();
var dt_effect = '';
if (d.getDay() == 1 || d.getDay() == 2) {
dt_effect = 'slide-hori'; // horizontal carousel
} else if (d.getDay() == 3 || d.getDay() == 4) {
dt_effect = 'slide-vert'; // vertical sliding
} else if (d.getDay() == 5 || d.getDay() == 6) {
dt_effect = 'fade'; // fade in-fade out effect with no sliding
} else {
dt_effect = 'none'; // no effect
then call this auto date effects in
effect: dt_effect
Loader image
Developers mostly asked how my animated loader works with this plugin? But its pretty simple if you know how directory structure works in any site.
// Loader image within this plugin directory
loader_image: 'navayan-buddhist-panchsheel-animated-flag.gif'
// Loader image in images directory
loader_image: 'images/navayan-buddhist-panchsheel-animated-flag.gif'
// Loader image exist at absolute url
loader_image: ''
Do I really need vertical slide animation?
Most probably NO. So that you can decrease the size of the file, reduce the download time.
That’s why I removed (commented out) vertical slide effect
Lets go with the standard coding practices
There were some variables used without declaring it for example ‘old_image_left
‘. If you declare a variable without using ‘var
‘ the variable always becomes GLOBAL. There are reasons why not to use GLOBAL variables extensively.
Image-less navigation with CSS!
Why should I need images for left/right arrows, previous/next navigation if CSS can do the work for me?
Add this code in ‘setupElements’ for Next/Previous navigation on the bigger photo
this.gallery_info = $('<div class="ad-info fl"></div>');
this.np_arrows = $('<div class="nparrows fl tc"></div>');
and following code into ‘initNextAndPrev’ function
this.next_link = $('<div class="ad-next hand"><div class="ad-next-image nowrap size14 rnd">Next »</div></div>');
this.prev_link = $('<div class="ad-prev hand"><div class="ad-prev-image nowrap size14 rnd">« Prev</div></div>');
Another visible Previous – Next navigation! into ‘initNextAndPrev
‘ function
this.parrow = $('<span class="parrow hand" title="Previous"><b><</b> Previous</span>');
this.narrow = $('<span class="narrow hand" title="Next">Next <b>></b></span>');
var context = this;
this.parrow.add(this.narrow).click(function() {
if ($(this).is('.narrow')) {
} else {
Get rid of thumb scroll images (in ‘initBackAndFordward
this.scroll_forward = $('<div class="ad-forward bkfor"><b class="ib"></b></div>');
this.scroll_back = $('<div class="ad-back bkfor"><b class="ib"></b></div>');
‘ that was not required to re-declare in ‘_getContainedImageSize
‘ function
var ratio = image_height / image_width;
Remove the stretchable (auto-resize) width of image description from ‘_showWhenLoaded
‘ function
//var width = size.width - parseInt(desc.css('padding-left'), 10) - parseInt(desc.css('padding-right'), 10);
//desc.css('width', width +'px');
Ad Gallery Slideshow Start/Stop
// User loves to see underline for 'S' letter. Can be set in defaults
start_label: '<u>S</u>tart Slideshow',
stop_label: '<u>S</u>top Slideshow',
// hide 'Start' but show 'Stop' text when slideshow starts
// hide 'Stop' but show 'Start' text when slideshow stops
Remove the hover effect and opacity
As you can set the opacity and hover effect using only CSS, then it is better to remove javascript hover effect and opacity for thumbnails
from ‘findImages
‘ function
//if(this.settings.thumb_opacity < 1) {
//thumbs.find('img').css('opacity', this.settings.thumb_opacity);
jQuery hover from ‘findImages > thumbs
function() {
if(!$(this).is('.ad-active') && context.settings.thumb_opacity < 1) {
$(this).find('img').fadeTo(300, 1);
function() {
if(!$(this).is('.ad-active') && context.settings.thumb_opacity < 1) {
$(this).find('img').fadeTo(300, context.settings.thumb_opacity);
from ‘initNextAndPrev
‘ function
//.find('div').css('opacity', 0.7);
from ‘initBackAndForward’ function
//).css('opacity', 0.6)
//$(this).css('opacity', 1);
//$(this).css('opacity', 0.6);
Essential CSS
First of all you will need Cross Browser Reset CSS Framework. And’s Gallery CSS to work this gallery properly
Integrate jQuery Ad Gallery with PHP and MySQL
<div id="gallery" class="ad-gallery">
<div class="ad-image-wrapper">
<div class="ad-image"></div>
<img src="" class="ad-loader" style="display: none;"/>
<div class="ad-next" style="height: 400px;"><div class="ad-next-image" style="opacity: 0.7; display: none;"></div></div>
<div class="ad-prev"><div class="ad-prev-image" style="opacity: 0.7;"></div></div>
<div class="ad-nav">
<div class="ad-thumbs">
<ul class="ad-thumb-list">
$result = mysql_query("SELECT gallery_id, gallery_title, gallery_thumb, gallery_big_image FROM gallery LIMIT 30");
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
<a href="<?php echo '/gallery/'.$row['gallery_big_image']; ?>">
<img src="<?php echo '/gallery/thumb/'.$row['gallery_thumb']; ?>" alt="<?php echo $row['gallery_title']; ?>"/>
<?php } ?>
<div class="ad-controls sml">
<span class="fl totalimgs">Total: <?php echo count($row['gallery_id']); ?></span>
<p class="nyPaginateGal fr">Pages: <?php echo $pagination_result; ?></p>
Attach ad gallery to your selector
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
April 18, 2013 at 7:12 pm
Hello Admin ..The slider is working fine. i need some idea to pause the slideshow on hover then unpause the slideshow when mouseout. useing below code i am able to stop the slideshow when hover over it.. but unpause is not working..
function() {
return false;
function() {
return true;
Any ideas?
Thank you
April 18, 2013 at 10:03 pm
You can extend ‘initKeyEvents’ function (line #354) by binding various events such as keydown, hover, mouseover, mouseout etc.
August 6, 2014 at 6:50 pm
Is there a way to make this slider display images stored on a database table? I am attempting to make the slider control dynamic so that other staff can add/change slider images from a database table.
Please let me know as soon as possible.
Thank you in advance for your time.
August 18, 2014 at 7:16 am
Above example fetches the images from database.
August 20, 2015 at 3:24 am
Hi all,
I got problem about I want Ad-Gallery auto-fit my browser’s width and height, any idea??
August 21, 2015 at 8:12 am