Google Chrome Features:
- Based on Apple Web Kit and also using Firefox plugins
- Faster than IE, FF, Safari
- Takes same time to download the homepage
- Good support for Javascript
- Good support for CSS2, CSS3
- Great support for AJAX
- Most of the time the entire page get refreshed
- Legend of Fieldset in Prototype popup comes in a middle like Safari
- The ‘File’ field displays similar to Safari’s
- Better for all kinds of Google apps
- Completely ignores the html comments
… chrome is in a developing process so its possible that some of google’s developer will fix the issues.
Detecting Chrome:
<script type='text/javascript'> window.onload = function test(){ var chrome_name = navigator.appName; var chrome_ver = navigator.appVersion; alert('Your browser is: '+ chrome_name + 'nChrome Details:n' + chrome_ver); } <script>
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