Google Chrome Features:

  1. Based on Apple Web Kit and also using Firefox plugins
  2. Faster than IE, FF, Safari
  3. Takes same time to download the homepage
  4. Good support for Javascript
  5. Good support for CSS2, CSS3
  6. Great support for AJAX
  7. Most of the time the entire page get refreshed
  8. Legend of Fieldset in Prototype popup comes in a middle like Safari
  9. The ‘File’ field displays similar to Safari’s
  10. Better for all kinds of Google apps
  11. Completely ignores the html comments

… chrome is in a developing process so its possible that some of google’s developer will fix the issues.

Detecting Chrome:

<script type='text/javascript'>
  window.onload = function test(){
    var chrome_name = navigator.appName;
    var chrome_ver = navigator.appVersion;
    alert('Your browser is: '+ chrome_name + 'nChrome Details:n'  + chrome_ver);