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Category Web Development

How to create Custom Post Type in WordPress?

Here we are going to discuss on how to create custom post type in wordpress and will make a simple function to use. What is Custom Post Type? ‘Custom post type’ is one of the great features of wordpress since… Continue Reading →

Javascript Random Color Change

Implement random foreground and background color change using JavaScript, using Math, seconds. See live examples.

jQuery validationEngine: Extended jQuery form validations

The jquery.validationEngine plugin for form validation is a good example of un-obtrusive validation. Its clean, neat, simple, beautiful UI, yet powerful validation plugin. This plugin is having most of the form fields validations that are commonly required in any project…. Continue Reading →

Autoplay embeded video on any event with jQuery

Some times you asked form the client to autoplay the embedded YouTube video by clicking or hovering on the image. I was also searching something that autoplays the youtube video by clicking on the image. But found nothing instead of… Continue Reading →

Simple and easy Cookie based jQuery tabs

Its been easy now to have cookie based tabs using jQuery! Demo Follow the instructions and you are done 🙂 HTML <div id=”profileTabList”> <a href=”#ambedkar”>Dr. Ambedkar</a> <a href=”#buddha”>Buddha</a> <a href=”#navayan”>Navayan</a> </div> <div id=”profileTabData”> <div id=”ambedkar”> <h2>” Men are mortal. So… Continue Reading →

Cross Browser Reset CSS Framework

The days of writing huge CSS are gone out! There are ways to style your CSS for the entire project. YUI’s CSS Reset is the base of today’s CSS Reset rules. Meyer and HTML5Doctor made it simple. But there are chances to make it more optimize and global.
Here is my cross-browser compatible CSS Reset Framework…

IFRAME Transparency in IE and other browsers

IFRME was introduced in Microsoft Internet Explorer from version 5.5. Since then it has been used in many websites. Iframe used to fetch data/information from following sources: Contents of another file Contents of another page within same website Contents of… Continue Reading →

Simple jQuery Single Level Drop Down Menu

The HTML <div id=”main”> <ul class=”nyMenu”> <li><a href=”#”>Home</a></li> <li><a href=”#”>About</a></li> <li><a href=”#”>Tutorials</a> <p> <a href=”#”>PHP</a> <a href=”#”>jQuery</a> <a href=”#”>Cloud Computing</a> </p> </li> <li><a href=”#”>Applications</a> <p> <a href=”#”>PHP Secure Login</a> <a href=”#”>Sizzling jQuery</a> <a href=”#”>Cooling Processor</a> <a href=”#”>Jet Mail</a> </p> </li>… Continue Reading →

Important .htaccess configuration

Create your .htaccess file in root and add following configurations: 1. Redirect sitename.com to http://www.sitename.com <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> Options +FollowSymlinks # for bluehost hosting it should be: # Options +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{http_host} ^sitename.com [NC] #case-insensitive RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.sitename.com/$1 [R=301,L]… Continue Reading →

Customizing wp_list_pages() WordPress Menu

The WordPress wp_list_pages() menus are really easy to customize. Sometime developer want to add another link or to redirect a link to another page or URL from one of the pages. For example I have a website http://www.navayan.com and having… Continue Reading →

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