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Category How To

[SOLVED] mailto and gmail : AngularJS error

Recently had to use mailto: in href and callback function on onclick event at the same time to let google email (= gmail) understand and display the recipient’s email address. Old code <a id=”webdesigncolors-email” href=”mailto:{{webDesignColors.email}}” target=”_blank” onclick=”window.open(‘https://mail.google.com/mail/?view=cm&tf=1&to={{webDesignColors.email}}, ‘_blank’);”>Email me</a> The problem… Continue Reading →

Conflict between ng-attr and SVG elements

There is a conflict between ng-attr and some SVG elements attributes. Following attributes has conflict when using them with ng-attr: Attributes of <svg> tag: viewBox preserveAspectRatio Attributes of <marker> tag: orient markerunits markerheight markerwidth refy refx viewbox Attributes of <path>… Continue Reading →

Scope variable over multiple queries in AngularJS

In AngularJS .query() and .get() methods often used to retrieve data/response from server. Sometimes you have to use same method to get that information but in another controller/s. In this case you are actually affecting the performance. These same queries (called in different controllers)… Continue Reading →

Angular column filter for Bootstrap

Adds Bootstrap 12 columns grid classes to the selector in ng-repeat directive.

jqExtension – jQuery file type validation plugin

jqExtension – jQuery plugin to validate file type (extension) at client-side

Advanced Search in AngularJS – Part 1

In our previous post we had discussed on how to do a Basic Search in AngularJS using built-in angular filter. Now lets see how to make an advanced search in AngularJS. We split this into two parts. Part 2 will be even more advanced. Demo… Continue Reading →

CSS arrows Sass mixin

Using pure CSS arrows is good for performance and cross-browser compatibility. Creating CSS arrows with Sass is even easy to maintain. Markup <p>Awesome pure CSS arrows using Sass!</p> Sass mixin $default-direction: right; $default-color: #69f; $default-size: 0.4; @mixin css-arrow($direction: $default-direction, $color: $default-color, $size: $default-size)… Continue Reading →

How to embed gravatar images onto your website?

Profile image management using Gravatar is really exciting and stress-free. Know the reasons why you need to and how simply Gravatar API can be implemented.

IGNOU MCSL-054 practical exam 20130716 OpenGL program

OpenGL program with C++ was easy to write using Microsoft Visual Studio. IGNOU MCA student has to write one OpenGL program during their practical exam.

Cross Browser custom font

Designers and Developers generally go with traditional uni-platform font families ie. Arial, Helvetica, san-serif. But if we use a custom font in design it is also easy to integrate in our webpage. Method 1 – @font-face in CSS @font-face {… Continue Reading →

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