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Category CSS3

AngularJS Advanced Accordion

AngularJS advanced accordion with CSS3 + AngularJS Cookie. See live example.

CSS arrows Sass mixin

Using pure CSS arrows is good for performance and cross-browser compatibility. Creating CSS arrows with Sass is even easy to maintain. Markup <p>Awesome pure CSS arrows using Sass!</p> Sass mixin $default-direction: right; $default-color: #69f; $default-size: 0.4; @mixin css-arrow($direction: $default-direction, $color: $default-color, $size: $default-size)… Continue Reading →

Cross Browser Reset CSS Framework

The days of writing huge CSS are gone out! There are ways to style your CSS for the entire project. YUI’s CSS Reset is the base of today’s CSS Reset rules. Meyer and HTML5Doctor made it simple. But there are chances to make it more optimize and global.
Here is my cross-browser compatible CSS Reset Framework…

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