UX, Javascript, WordPress, Drupal, more..

Author Web Design Colors

WebDesignColors is a popular blog among web designers and developers, maintained by experienced designers and developers. Follow WDC @WebDesignColors. Join WDC on Facebook, and WDC on Pinterest.

jQuery validation for file type extension

Simple and easy jQuery file type extension validation method. Check and validate file type extension in jQuery. Useful for contact form, job apply form to upload and submit valid and allowed file.

Cross Browser custom font

Designers and Developers generally go with traditional uni-platform font families ie. Arial, Helvetica, san-serif. But if we use a custom font in design it is also easy to integrate in our webpage. Method 1 – @font-face in CSS @font-face {… Continue Reading →

Creating simple WordPress 2.8+ widget

WordPress widgets is a great feature for displaying your content in sidebar. It is easy to create by extending WP_Widget predefined wordpress class. Constructing Widget class your_widget extends WP_Widget { public function __construct() { $this->WP_Widget( ‘your_widget_unique_id’, __(‘Your Widget Title’), array(‘description’… Continue Reading →

CSS Verticle align middle

Previously we had to use <table>, <tr>, <td> tags to make the image or content vertically middle. But as the table structure is heavy compare to DIV based structure, we have to find alternative for making the content vertically middle…. Continue Reading →

Securely change wordpress ‘wp_’ prefix without plugin

Why should we change wp prefix? Database of wordpress is a core of your wordpress site or blog. All your posts gets stored in a systematic manner in wordpress’s database table structure. Although wordpress is more popular CMS so the… Continue Reading →

Navayan Subscribe – easy way to subscribe wordpress website or blog

‘Navayan Subscribe’ allows your visitors to easily and quickly subscribe to your website with double opt-in process, custom email templates, post/page notifications, spam protection. It can be used as a sidebar widget.

Handling multiple databases in WordPress

There are situations comes when you want to handle multiple databases but in wordpress environment. The wordpress database configuration is configured in wp-config.php file, which holds defined variables like DB_NAME, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_HOST. Where we have to define wordpress database… Continue Reading →

PHP Pretty Captcha

There are lots of different ways to create captcha image using PHP. But what we forget is our USER. Now a days I found that Google’s re-captcha is very difficult even to read. Most of the time users dis-appears from… Continue Reading →

Javascript Random Color Change

Implement random foreground and background color change using JavaScript, using Math, seconds. See live examples.

Prototype’s base.js Dialog.cancelCallback() and IE7 JS ‘null object’ Error

The Prototype javascript library is used for various purposes like in-page popup, drag-n-drop etc. Recently while working on one of my Rails project, I came to know that there is a JavaScript NULL object error in base.js with ‘Dialog.cancelCallback()‘ function…. Continue Reading →

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